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Childrens Organization of Southeast Asia
Baan Yuu Suk Shelter
Mae Rim, Chiang Mai,Chiang Mai,TH

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Last Updated: 12.20.11
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Countries/States Served: TH
People Utilized or Employed: Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Nursing
Types of Students Allowed:
Medical Students, Nursing Students
Program Length: Short Term (Less than 1 month)
Language Skills: Thai
Religious Affiliations:
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Current Volunteer Opportunities (Unpaid Positions)
Medical Outreach and Social Aid in Communities - MOSAIC needed for Less than 1 month
Opportunity Description: The Project Working at a community level, MOSAIC addresses the ongoing health needs of rural hill tribe communities by providing free primary healthcare and social aid to villagers in need. Working in tandem with the head of the local village, COSA’s aims are to provide regular and consistent access to primary medical care both for the greater community and in conjunction with the local school. In this way, COSA can keep informed of developments within the community, building up a strong trusting relationship and to understand if any of the children at the school are at risk of being trafficked in the near future. While MOSAIC is a medical outreach, it is imperative to COSA’s ongoing prevention work to build strong and trusting ties with the hill tribe communities. While healthcare in the greater province is available it is hard to access, and limited monetary funds and language barriers between the hill tribe people and the local district health have proved difficult for many. Incentives to travel the 4 hour round trip to the local hospital are few with many villagers working 7 day weeks. Not only is the community grappling with bad roads and a lack of public transportation, but the problems of originating from a hill tribe have made getting treated and receiving ongoing medication an inherently difficult task and one not considered feasible as an option by many. Working in tandem with the hill tribe community, MOSAIC will bring regular medical professionals to the village to conduct follow up care and assessments, free of charge to the villagers. Through community medical assessments and with a strong partnership with the local school, MOSAIC is able to focus their attention on the long term needs of the community. Whilst chronic back pain and arthritis are common and not easily treatable, urgent medical problems pose a large risk to the economic stability of many families. MOSAIC will conduct multiple yearly trips to help diagnose such problems and encourage follow up care with the district hospital should this be needed. Follow up MOSAIC trips will check in with patients and be on hand to address new problems should they arise within the community. MOSAIC’s key mantra is to provide consistent and reliable care to the communities and to create a positive and trusting atmosphere for the locals to receive primary healthcare. Why the Project Needs You MOSAIC can only continue with the help of skilled medical professionals who are willing to dedicate a week of their time to participate in a MOSAIC expedition. COSA already has a strong team to support the outreach; however medical professionals are needed to carry out safe and appropriate care within the communities. Follow up care will also include community education around safer farming practices and education with the parents of children at the local school. Role of the Volunteer: Experienced Nurses and Doctors are needed to conduct primary health assessments. We can provide a range of equipment to assist with this, our mobile clinic contains all the essentials: otoscope, sphygmo, pulse oximetry, cardiac monitor, glucometer and basic urinalysis testing. Our capacity to treat is limited by our small budget, however we can provide basic remedies, and have criteria for assessing conditions that may require fund raising for case based follow up. Those who need urgent treatment can be referred to the District Hospital. The project will be run over 1 week every 2 months. A trip is scheduled for February 2012 and April or May 2012.
Total Number of Volunteers Needed: 5
Find Out More
Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
COSA is an International Organization which works towards the prevention of Child trafficking and sexual exploitation within the Northern regions of Thailand.

COSA operates from an upstream community development approach, targeting prevention at a local level and enabling intervention before the child becomes a victim. To achieve this, COSA has adopted a receptive policy between COSA and target communities.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Childrens Organization of Southeast Asia.